OBJECTIVE: The goal in the Education Project Area is for those outside mainstream education to flourish through holistic development and support and transition to employment.

Workforce Development
Conventional education frameworks in New Zealand can isolate and exclude the many young people who don’t connect with the standard model of teaching and learning in both education and employment settings. WFCT is really interested in understanding, supporting and implementing Alternative Education in Aotearoa. Along with Te Rourou, Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation, WFCT co-funded the research report by Dr Judy Bruce; ‘Alternative Education workforce development in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Lessons from related sectors’. The report looks at professional development needs in the AE sector.
Read the paper here.
The Academy provides a unique and personalized pathway to employment for people with an intellectual disability, giving them another chance to succeed in education. Learning is tailored to the individual learners who bring the academy to life. WFCT is very proud to have an ongoing relationship with Kilmarnock Academy, through a small amount of funding support but on their board- Jenn, manager of WFCT sits on the board for Kilmarnock as Deputy Chair.
Learn more about the Academy here.